Saturday, February 6, 2010

You can call Connor a raver, cause he's rollin'!

As usual, getting home after work was the highlight of my day. Not only did it mean that I wasn't at work or commuting, but it means I get to see Leigh and Connor. And today, Connor had a surprise for me.

No, not a diaper full of poop.

While waiting for a tray full of potato wedges to get out of the oven, Leigh and I were watching Connor play on his floor mat. He grabbed on to Leigh's hand and she pulled him up a little. He immediately swung his leg over and got into his 7/8th rolled over position. But then, after a little grunting and moving around, he got his arm out from under him and managed to get himself completely over. He looked around for a bit, then rolled himself onto his back again.

He got back onto his belly a little later, although he had trouble getting onto his back a second time. He began getting frustrated, so we helped him back over, which satisfied him.

The past few days, he's also been vocalizing quite a lot. There's a definite pattern of talking present. While the words aren't there, it's not just random noises.

It's been a big week for Connor and he seems very pleased with himself. Despite the teething pain, he's remained in very high spirits. During tonight's bath, he was all wiggles and excitement, managing to splash about 1/4 of his bath water onto the floor.

Anyway, it's getting to be time for me to pass out. I have a few plans for the next "nothing interesting happened" day, so I'm going to jot those down now before turning in. Until later.

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