Monday, February 8, 2010

Comings and Goings

Two news items today.

First of all, one of the pictures that Leigh took last night was a big hit. I've been calling it the "Heisman Picture":


I'm thinking of sending it to the Eagles in the hopes that maybe it'll help inspire them to greater heights next season. With the Saints having claimed victory, the list of teams without a Super Bowl victory is getting way too small for the Eagles to remain in it. And Connor does look awfully adorable in his Eagles onesie.

The other piece of news, while not a disaster, is not as happy.

Connor's grandpa Gordon was looking after him this afternoon while Leigh was taking care of some business in Virginia. When packing him up for home, he was sidetracked by someone coming over and accidentally left Floppy the Sheep at the shop.

Fortunately, there are three "Backup Floppies" available for just such emergencies. And one, nicknamed Floppette, has already gotten some breaking in time (IE, she's been drooled on). Connor seems satisfied with her for tonight. But she's not the original.

I find that I'm a little worried about Floppy. It's stupid and I know it, but...damn it, he's the Spud's first best friend and he's developed some personality in my mind. I know he's fine, but I'll admit, I was tempted to drive out to Hertford (30-ish minutes from the house) to grab him.

Anyway, that's enough of my crazy for the day. It's not enough of Connor's cuteness, but that needs to be handed out sparingly. No sense in getting people jaded.

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