Saturday, February 13, 2010

I hate overtime

I love the fact that I get paid fairly well for what, in the greater scheme of things, is a very simple job. But that doesn't stop me from getting annoyed from time to time. Mostly at the extra hours that I sometimes have to work. Mind you, I get overtime pay for the extra hours and the contract I'm under limits the total number I can be forced to work. But when it keeps me from getting to spend time with Connor, no amount of money can make up for it.

Next week, there are three nights that I'm going to be working until 8 PM which means I won't get home until about 9:30 PM, about the time that the Spud normally goes to bed. This means I'll get all but no time with him on those days. Quel dommage.

But on to happier topics.

Last night, while Leigh and I bathed Connor, I gave Floppy a wipe down. He's been getting a little drool-saturated of late and we thought a quick cleaning might help him. Sure enough, while not soft as new, he's at least lost a good bit of dinginess. Floppette substituted for Floppy in the crib last night to give him a chance to dry out, but now he's back in action.

It seems that every night, I look down at Connor and wonder how this could have happened. I'm amazed and delighted every time I realize that I'm a dad. On one hand I can't believe that it's only been four and a half months, but on the other hand I can't believe how quickly the time has gone by. He's almost doubled his birth weight already and is over four and a half inches longer than he was at birth. He's aware of his surroundings. He's developing a personality.

Almost every parent I've talked to has remarked on this phenomenon, but I don't think it can be understood without going through it in some way. I suppose those who have had much younger siblings that they have helped raise get some idea of what it's like, but I was an only child, so this was the first real opportunity I've had to observe it first hand. It just blows my mind.

Anyway, I get Connor and daddy time tomorrow morning while Leigh's out, so I should get some sleep. More tomorrow.

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