Sunday, February 14, 2010

But I don't want to take a nap...

I can only assume that Connor had the above thought in his head today because he just plain did not want to go to sleep this afternoon. He was cheerful enough, only getting fussy when he somehow managed to poop up the front of his diaper. But he would pitch a fit whenever he was put down in his crib.

I got him to take a couple of 15-20 minute naps, but nothing significant. Needless to say, he was exhausted this evening. He fell asleep on Leigh on his second to last feeding, catching another 30 or so minutes before he woke up in time for his bath.

He went right to bed after his final feeding. He woke up while being carried to his crib, but went almost instantly back to sleep once Floppy was tucked in with him. He hasn't made a peep since then.

Yes, it's a very dry update, but I didn't have a whole lot today. More tomorrow, as Connor gets to experience his first Valentine's Day.

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