Thursday, March 18, 2010

Not so much on the sitter front

So, Zelda the sitter had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday. We knew about that and had planned in advance. What we hadn't planned for is that Zelda's diabetes has apparently gotten bad enough that she's going to need dialysis. While I'm glad that she's going to get the medical attention she needs to maintain her health (because that's the most important thing) it leaves us looking for new Connor-sitting.

Speaking of Connor and sitting, he's been getting really good at it. He still drifts to one side from time to time and has had several loud head thumps, but he's getting very stable. He'll sit there playing with something, then stop and look back up at me over his shoulder and give that impish grin.

Still no new developments on the teeth. I think the pain is still getting to him from time to time. While he had a good streak of through the night sleeps built up, last night he woke up screaming at 2 AM and Leigh didn't get him back down until about 4:30 AM. (I was dead to the world thanks to night-time cold medicine.)

Anyway, only a day behind now. Hopefully I'll be all caught up come tomorrow.

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