Monday, January 25, 2010

Early riser

Under normal circumstances, Connor starts stirring at around 6:15-6:30 in the morning, but doesn't really wake up fully until around 7 AM, when I'm heading out of the door. This morning I was up early because I had scheduled 30 minutes of overtime before my shift, so I wasn't expecting much of a reaction from my habitual 'see you tonight' kiss on the forehead that I give Connor each morning. Imagine my surprise and delight when I found that his eyes were wide open and he was wearing the most beatific grin imaginable.

I checked with Leigh and that is apparently par for the course upon Connor's initial wakefulness. I just never get to see it, since I'm always in a rush to get to work. Since I was running a few minutes ahead of schedule, I took the opportunity to extend my smile time by giving Connor his first diaper change of the day.

I took a half-day at work and came home early to get some cleaning done. My father and step-mother are planning on visiting soon as are one of Leigh's best friends and her husband, so we're working to get the house as clean as it can be considering it is home to a baby. By getting some stuff done today, though, I was able to get in more time with Connor in the evening. It's a shame I can't do it every day, but c'est la vie.

At any rate, it's late again and I should be getting to bed. Classes start next week, so I'll have even less free time, but I still want to keep this blog going strong. Will I succeed? Tune in tomorrow to find out.

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