Thursday, January 21, 2010

Another day

A lot of the day to day things that Connor does are pretty repetitive. I suppose it's like that for most children, but he's the only one I have any sort of detailed personal experience with, so I can't be certain.

Anyway, tonight was bath night. Leigh and I have been bathing Connor approximately every other night and it seems to be one of his favorite activities. Even if he's fussing up a storm, as soon as his little bottom touches the water, he settles down and starts smiling. While waiting for his little tub to fill, I weighed him (about 16.7 pounds) and he decided to let loose on me, necessitating a change of pants.

He's been teething for a few days now and we've settled into a new routine, adding some teething tablets and a little baby Tylenol when switching stations. It seems to keep him from waking up in the middle of the night, which has both him and his mother much happier.

I think that's it for tonight. Maybe tomorrow I'll have something more interesting to share.

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