Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Into the fourth week

The hardest part of writing for me has always been continuing. I'm a fantastic starter and a pretty solid finisher, but that stretch in the middle can be a real female dog. So I'm very glad that I've been able to keep this going for over three weeks now, especially considering my main subject is so important to me.

The thing I've noticed most over the past week is the quantity and diversity in Connor's vocalizations.

First of all, he's "speaking" almost all the time. I've been cautioning him against speaking with his mouth full, because he tries even when he's nursing. From what Leigh's told me and what I've heard when I call her during the day, it doesn't stop unless he's sleeping. It's even interactive in the form of a conversation, though understanding is clearly limited on both sides.

Second is how many new sounds Connor's been making. The most recent additions to his repertoire is a sort of high pitched squeaking noise that he seems quite proud of.

Overall, the Spud continues to be very happy and is growing like a weed. But I have to be up early, so my butt needs to get to bed, as his already is. Goodnight and thanks for reading.

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